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Cycad Flower : Kawanayama 2022-07-27
Cycad flower bloomed in our garden at Kawanayama.
As it blooms only once in ten years
, this is a precious flowering.
Since there are male and female plants, there is no pollination with one strain.
As it blooms only once in ten years
Since there are male and female plants, there is no pollination with one strain.
Female flower looks like domed feather lump and female flower is like thickened corn.
The image of Cycad is similar to tropical palm, we don’t need to work too much to take care.
Cycad has a very old history, as if a “living fossil”, continued from Jurassic Dinosaur age
The image of Cycad is similar to tropical palm, we don’t need to work too much to take care.
Cycad has a very old history, as if a “living fossil”, continued from Jurassic Dinosaur age
It can grow like a giant tree up to 3 to 5 meters high.
To become 1 meter, it takes more than 40 years
One of its’ special features is its’ slow growth.
When a tree is weak, if you put iron in the stock, the tree becomes healthy. The name “reviving from iron” is based on this fact.
When a tree is weak, if you put iron in the stock, the tree becomes healthy. The name “reviving from iron” is based on this fact.
In fact, it seems it is called Iron tree in Chinese.
Cycad flower symbolism is “valiant”.
Cycad flower symbolism is “valiant”.
It is being said that the Giant tree with its’ big feather like leaves soothing in the wind is imposing the personality.
It was a precious experience for us this year.