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Sisters' Activities Reports
Guide to the Holy Spirit Chapel in Kanazawa, a City Cultural Property
The Kanazawa Holy Spirit Hospital Chapel was designed by a Swiss architect, Max Hinder and was completed in 1931. It is incorporating Japanese culture, and is registered as a Kanazawa City Cultural Property. This area (Nagamachi town) is a tourist spot and attracts many tourists because it retains the characteristics of the Edo era town. This chapel is also listed in the tourist information, so more people have been visiting here.
We too, became aware that this is the chance for our mission apostolate. Sisters make time to give explanation to the visitors.
At the entrance of the chapel, in addition to the mission publication and the bulletin board, there is a corner that provides handmade cards such as postcards of the chapel, greetings cards with meaningful Bible verses and spiritual quotes. These cards are made by Sr. L, and last year around 500 postcards and greeting cards were sold . The prayer cards are free, and for the other cards, we receive donations for the material cost.
Please feel free to come and visit us when you are in Hokuriku or Kanazawa.